Assisted Fertility

Assisted Fertility - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 4th Jun, 2005 - 4:18pm

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Catholic View
Post Date: 1st Jun, 2005 - 2:32am / Post ID: #

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Assisted Fertility


Pope Benedict XVI stepped into an Italian referendum battle Monday, endorsing efforts by the country's Roman Catholic bishops to restrict assisted fertility treatments.
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Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2005 - 11:54am / Post ID: #

Assisted Fertility
A Friend

Fertility Assisted

I'm not sure I understand the Popes position on this at all. How does envetro fertilization infringe upon right to life or the family at all? It seems that this would broaden families and create more opportunities for more people to have families. Embryo research is proving to be phenomenal in other parts of the world, but that is also something the Pope is against. Having studied the Bible extensively, I cannot find a biblical principle for backing the Popes view. Is this a Church teaching for the Catholic church, a personal conviction or his, or does it have actual scriptural backing that the Pope is clinging to?

4th Jun, 2005 - 4:18pm / Post ID: #

Assisted Fertility Catholicism Studies

As a person who was raised and educated as a Catholic, I am not sure what the pope is thinking on this one. To be honest I have not been entirely sure of anything the church has done lately though. The churches basic stance on procreation is that anytime a man and woman are intimate they should be open to the chance of reproduction. The church has used this belief to tell catholics that if they use contraceptives, have a abortion or in any other way restrict the chance of reproduction they have committed a sin.

Since the churchs' mission has always been to expand the "flock" I do not understand why the pope would be against families using any means it can to have a child. Then again I do not understand why the church does not turn over child abusers to the police either.

> TOPIC: Assisted Fertility


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