Exorcist Convention

Exorcist Convention - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 15th Sep, 2005 - 5:10pm

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Post Date: 14th Sep, 2005 - 5:00pm / Post ID: #

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Exorcist Convention

Pssst...Where the devil is the exorcist convention?

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Orthodontists have national conventions, as do lawyers and computer salespeople. So why not exorcists? At the end of his weekly general audience Wednesday Pope Benedict greeted Italian exorcists who, he disclosed, are currently holding their national convention. The Pope encouraged them to "carry on their important work in the service of the Church."
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050914/od_nm/...DRpBHNlYwM3NTc-

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15th Sep, 2005 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #

Convention Exorcist

If given the opportunity I would actually want to hear what they would have to say and talk about. In fact, I wonder what the themes and sessions would cover, maybe things like; 'How Satan's forces are becoming more apparent', 'Dealing with unseen forces', etc.

> TOPIC: Exorcist Convention


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