Are Jews Losing Faith? - Page 2 of 2

QUOTE (Krusten @ 24-Apr 15, 9:54 - Page 2 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 25th Apr, 2015 - 11:35am

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25th Apr, 2015 - 11:35am / Post ID: #

Are Jews Losing Faith? - Page 2

international QUOTE (Krusten @ 24-Apr 15, 9:54 PM)
Like anything else if I were experiencing great hardship and someone were 'preaching' to me about brighter times I would be doubtful. I would also seriously doubt if...

Modern society destroys faith. People wonder where God is. I have never been in that position. My problem has always been trying to escape from God. I have had this problem since childhood. Born [..]. It always bothered me that the voice of God was always inside me. God was like a father to me. 1981 was a bad year for me. God demanded that I work and study and explain the Holocaust to mankind. God also wanted me to give the world the equations of the universe. I have worked on this task for 33 years. [..]
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