Jewish Salvation

Jewish Salvation - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 9th Sep, 2015 - 12:38pm

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6th Sep, 2015 - 10:25pm / Post ID: #

Jewish Salvation

From the time of Abraham we have followed our tribal laws and given our lives over and over again in the service of our Jewish God. For what purpose? As we look in the Bible we see that God demands innocent Jewish blood. It is not animal blood that God wants, it is our blood. Isaac was innocent. The Jews of the Holocaust were innocent. Do we have a monster God that demands our blood?
It appears that animal sacrifice means nothing to God. It is only when we give our selves that sacrifice has any meaning to God. Yet what is the reward for this? It is the New Earth of Isaiah upon a better Earth quite a long distance from here.

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7th Sep, 2015 - 8:04pm / Post ID: #

Salvation Jewish

I was born and raised Jewish and I think you have it exactly backwards. Jewish "Salvation" Is an oxymoron. Judaism does not require salvation without which the soul is damned. All that is required of the non-Jew is to follow the seven laws of Noah.

Judaism is an additional burden that is accepted by the beni-Mitzvah because of the chance to move closer to what G-d wants of us.

You bring up the story of Isaac, but he was not sacrificed. And any sacrifice must be offered so neither were the Jews of the Holocaust.

9th Sep, 2015 - 12:38pm / Post ID: #

Jewish Salvation Judaism Studies

I have a different Jewish perspective as I view that all the religions of man serve God in some way or another. As far as I am concerned all the religions are true. There are no false religions. Thus Judaism is true and Christianity is true. The same is true with Hinduism.
In my latest book "The Fabric of the Soul" On Kindle, my research into the gravitational field shows that there is an image of us in dark energy. Thus when we die we are still alive. We actually have the ability to think after we are dead. This means that the soul of everyone will be discarded into the outer darkness. Unlike Christianity the Jewish concept of God is that of an ethical entity. I agree with that. We do not have a monster god. God is not human. It is an ultra high light speed photonic field. Basically God is a computer type mind. We live within the body and mind of this God.
to be cast into the outer darkness is like being lost in a snow storm in Alaska. In short order we grow numb and freeze. Thus the unsaved quickly perish. The saved are purified and either reincarnate or become part of the level of God of this Earth. Jewish salvation is New Earth salvation and many Jews are reborn upon another planet at a higher light speed level. Yet everyone must be saved one way or another.

> TOPIC: Jewish Salvation


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