Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist - Page 5 of 5

Funny you should think that, since Zionism - Page 5 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 8th Jul, 2018 - 7:01pm

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Judaism Vs Zionism
Post Date: 17th May, 2017 - 2:35am / Post ID: #

Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist
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Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist - Page 5


Oh, I so agree. The 'news' site looks like it has a definite anti Israel tilt. And I mean, who wouldn't, I mean the are a tad over 8 million Israelis picking on the billion Arabs surrounding them. Israel is a sea of Western ideals and ideas in a sea of countries trying desperately to emerge from the Middle Ages. Some, like Egypt and Jordan, have come to terms with Israel and understand they are there to stay and that they are actually a good force in the area, a counterweight to the extremists. Those are countries we in the should and usually do cultivate.

Regarding this so called plan… if that was the case Israeli intelligence wouldn't have warned Sadat about the plot to kill him. After all, that would have sowed unrest and made Egypt easier to break apart. Instead, Israel did inform Sadat about the plan, saved his life, and started Egypt and Israel down the path to coexistence. And there is nothing wrong with that.

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17th May, 2017 - 2:50pm / Post ID: #

Zionist Zionism Judaism

Usually any kind of -ism means there isn't any wiggle room but what was said earlier is correct because religious ideals makes communication and peace very difficult even though it should be the opposite.

Post Date: 17th May, 2017 - 3:48pm / Post ID: #

Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist
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Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist Judaism Studies

Yeah, one would think religion would help rather than hurt. The issue is when different religions come into play even though those religions all pray to the same god. And it is usually the radicals on all sides that make peace impossible. There are true religious men of peace trying to calm these waters but they are overwhelmed by the violence, and that hardens hearts.

Post Date: 11th Jun, 2017 - 10:57pm / Post ID: #

Page 5 Zionist Zionism Judaism

Israeli Chief Rabbis Endorse Ethnic Cleansing, Palestinian Servitude By Richard Silverstein. Israeli chief Sephardic rabbi, told a gathering of followers that non-Jews should be expelled from Israel. Source 6q.

Post Date: 15th May, 2018 - 9:31pm / Post ID: #

Zionist Zionism Judaism

De-colonising the mind - a former Zionist fighter's journey. Tikva Honig-Parnass joined the Palmach militia as it ethnically cleansed Palestinians and now works to expose the crime. Source 4f.

8th Jul, 2018 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #

Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist

Zionism is the real keep back in Israel. It is as bad as communism. This think of we are better than them has got to stop if there is to be civility in the world.Men have to stop reading old texts from people who did not know better.

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Post Date: 8th Jul, 2018 - 7:01pm / Post ID: #

Judaism Vs Zionism / Zionist
A Friend

Judaism Zionism / Zionist - Page 5

Funny you should think that, since Zionism has got nothing to do with "We are better than them". Zionism is the idea that Jews want and need a place to call their own, and deserve a country they can call home. Considering that there are 22+ Muslim majority countries that already do this, when the opportunity was given to them by the Allies, they took it. Also, the British felt that the Jews were the most dependable group to be in charge of an area that held so many religious sites of value to the three religions. The Arab groups had already proven they would destroy any other religion's icons, and the Christians were too small a group in the area to be able to safeguard the sites. As has been proven time and again, the Jews preserve the valued structures of other religions, even ones that hate them irrationally.

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