Catholic Politicians

Catholic Politicians - Studies of Catholicism - Posted: 8th Sep, 2015 - 12:17am

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Two leading pro-life groups are calling on a group of 18 pro-abortion Catholic politicians to resign after they released a statement blasting Pope Benedict XVI.
Post Date: 21st May, 2007 - 9:09pm / Post ID: #

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Catholic Politicians

Catholic Politicians

Pro-Life Groups Ask Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians to Resign

Washington, DC ( -- Two leading pro-life groups are calling on a group of 18 pro-abortion Catholic politicians to resign after they released a statement blasting Pope Benedict XVI. They took issue with his comments that pro-abortion elected officials have automatically excommunicated themselves and shouldn't receive communion. The Pope made the comments during an in-flight meeting with news reports on his way to Brazil last week. Led by pro-abortion Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat, the eighteen members of the House said the penalty of excommunication "Offend(S) the very nature of the American experiment and do(Es) a great disservice to the centuries of good work the church has done." DeLauro and the pro-abortion lawmakers suggested that even though the Catholic church is pro-life that it's a personal mission rather than a mission accomplished through public policy. But Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life told that "Faithful Catholics, as well as those in the pro-life movement from every denomination, have had enough of this double-talk." "It is not possible to advance 'respect for life and for the dignity of every human being' while tolerating the dismemberment and decapitation of the human beings still in their mothers' wombs," He said. "If they cannot muster the will to protect defenseless children, they should resign," He said. "We don't need public servants who can't tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public."
Read more: Source 8m

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Post Date: 18th Oct, 2007 - 6:53pm / Post ID: #

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Politicians Catholic

Former Catholic Cardinal, Pro-Abortion Group Blast Communion Denial

Washington, DC ( -- A former Catholic cardinal and a leading pro-abortion "Catholic" Group have blasted comments by St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke who said he would deny communion to Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani because of his position favoring abortion. Earlier this month, Burke said he would deny communion to Giuliani. "If the question is about a Catholic who is publicly espousing positions contrary to the moral law, and I know that person knows it, yes I would [deny communion]," Burke told the St. Louis Post Dispatch. He said anyone who administers Catholic communion can't knowingly give it to Catholic politicians who flout the Church's teachings on abortion. "It is a cause of concern for me and for all bishops to find ourselves in this situation," Burke said. Former Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick restated his opposition to Burke's position to withhold communion from pro-abortion politicians. McCarrick said the Catholic Church shouldn't be denying communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians because no elected official will ever perfectly fall in line with every policy position the Church takes. In an interview with the Associated Press over the weekend he also said the church's positions on abortion and other issues such as euthanasia and the death penalty are base teachings, but do not fully encompass all Catholic beliefs.
Ref. Source 6y

Post Date: 29th Apr, 2008 - 3:50am / Post ID: #

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Catholic Politicians Catholicism Studies

Novak: Blame Catholic Leaders, Not Pope, for Pro-Abortion Pols and Communion

Washington, DC ( -- In a new editorial today, syndicated columnist Bob Novak says Catholic leaders in the United States are to blame for pro-abortion lawmakers taking communion during a mass with Pope Benedict. He says the Catholic officials abdicated their duty, as the Pope has previously indicated, to monitor their flock. As previously noted, pro-life Catholics were upset with pro-abortion Catholic members of Congress who took communion. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sens. John Kerry, Christopher Dodd and Ted Kennedy received communion during the papal mass at Nationals Park. And former GOP mayor and presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani received it in New York. "Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington and Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop of New York, invited them. Given choice seats, they took Communion as a matter of course," Novak wrote. Novak says the pro-abortion pols receiving communion has no bearing on Pope Benedict's stance on abortion and communion.

Post Date: 8th Sep, 2015 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

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Politicians Catholic

Pro-Abortion Congresswoman Tries to Tell Pope What to Say When He Speaks to Congress

In August, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) sent a letter to Pope Francis urging him to discuss certain topics when he addresses Congress on September 24th. Rep DeLauro is a Congresswoman representing Connecticut’s third district and has a lengthy pro-abortion record. In fact, National Right to Life reports that she has a 0% pro-life record and has voted against pro-life legislation 108 times. Ref. Source 2z

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