Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? - Page 2 of 2

Here's an argument I've heard - Page 2 - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 28th Feb, 2024 - 7:22pm

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31st Mar, 2005 - 1:55pm / Post ID: #

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? - Page 2

If Jesus is God, then God views those not of Israel as dogs. Only her admonition of being a dog begging for scraps got this Syrian's daughter healed.

First, I disagree with that conclusion. This is the same teaching as "cast not your pearls before swine." In other words, don't share precious principles with those who are unrighteous or unbelieving, because they don't understand and will trample it under their feet into the mud. He waited for the woman to show understanding before He saved her daughter.

Secondly, Jesus is not God. He's the Son of God, born to the world to save the world, to teach the world. He's just as Divine as God, but they are separate persons. Why would God pray to Himself? Why would Jesus repeatedly say "I can do nothing of myself, but the will of the Father"? Why would He beg for mercy from Himself when in Gethsemane and on the cross? It makes no sense for God to do such a thing. However, it does make sense for the Son of God to do so.

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Post Date: 1st Apr, 2005 - 4:34pm / Post ID: #

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
A Friend

God Son the Christ Jesus you Why

I think the four gospels are a testament to the fact that Jesus was not only sent to Israel.

He began in Israel, but his story was told in four separate ways and spread in four separate directions. Just picture that you are a person living in Egypt and you know the story of Jesus because you have been exposed to the gospel of Mark (just a hypothetical). Now imagine that you are leaving your homeland. The day that you arrive at your new location you get to know the locals and you come to find out that they have the exact same story as you do about Jesus. Then going to other locations and discovering that the same story is written down in different cultures under different names. I think this, along with Rome accepting Christianity, spread the religion more than anything else.

FarSeer, you brought up some very interesting points about if Jesus was God or the Son Of God. Your argument is for that he was the son of God not a physical embodiment of God because he prayed to God and because he asked for Mercy. I really see nothing wrong with the way you are thinking on this subject, but I figured I would offer you a different interpration of the same thing. Well I guess what I'm trying to say is that perhaps God came to Earth as Jesus Christ to specifically embody the principals that we should follow. Like he was God trying to show us the proper way to be human beings. So to me, it makes perfect sense that he would pray to himself, and ask himself for mercy. Otherwise, how would we have ever figured it out? Of course, you know I'm not sure, I'm just trying to give another side to what FarSeer said.


1st Apr, 2005 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Beliefs Religious General

If Jesus is God, then God views those not of Israel as dogs. Only her admonition of being a dog begging for scraps got this Syrian's daughter healed.

In order to understand this example, you have to understand the purpose of the coming of Christ to the Jews. When Christ came to this Earth (to Israel particularly) he came for the Jewish people, he did not come for the Gentiles. As he stated to the woman " I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Only after his resurrection he commanded the Apostles to extend the Gospel to all people regardless of who they were. Now, regards to the example of the woman he healed let me quote an author called James E. Talmage who wrote a book called "Jesus The Christ". This is what he said about the same example you gave:

"The words, harsh as they may sound to us, were understood by her in the spirit of the Lord's intent. The original term here translated "dogs" connoted, as the narrative shows, not the vagrant and despised curs elsewhere spoken of in the Bible as typical of a degraded state, or of positive badness, but literally the "little dogs" or domestic pets, such as were allowed in the house and under the table. Certainly the woman took no offense at the comparison, and found therein no objectionable epithet. Instantly she adopted the analogy, and applied it in combined argument and suplication...
Many have queried as to why Jesus delayed the blessing. We may not be able to fathom His purposes, but we see that, by the course He adopted, the woman's faith was demonstrated and the disciples were instructed. Jesus impressed upon her that she was not of the chosen people, to whom He had been sent, but His words prefigured the giving of the gospel to all, both Jew and Gentile: "Let the children first be filled" He had saith. The resurrected Christ was to be known to every nation, but His personal ministry as a mortal, as also that of the apostles while He was with them in the flesh, was directed to the hourse of Israel".

The Dummelow Commentary says about that same scripture: "The rabbis often spoke of the Gentiles as dogs, e.g 'He who eats with an idolater is like one who eats with a dog.'... 'The nations of the world are compared to dogs.' 'The holy convocation belongs to you, not to the dogs'. Yet Jesus in adopting the contemptuous expression slightly softens it. He says not 'dogs' but 'little dogs' and the woman clearly catches at the expression, arguing that if the Gentiles are household dogs, then it is only right that they should be fed with the crumbs that fall from their master's table."

Now regards to Christ being God, the whole Bible says clearly in my opinion, that they are two different persons. There are many scriptures where Jesus says "The Father is greater than I" "I ascend to my Father and to your father, My God and to your God". In the garden of Gethsemani he was praying to his father and if it is like you put it Jmississippi that he was in fact teaching and giving an example, you will well remember that the Apostles were asleep while he was doing that so they could not witness that. Now the concept of Jesus being the son and not the Father does not throw away the concept of the Trinity. I believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, as you can see each one of them is a God being God the Father, the almighty God of all. Each one of these personages are separate beings but their work and purpose is united. They work as one.

Reconcile Edited: LDS_forever on 1st Apr, 2005 - 5:55pm

3rd Oct, 2021 - 11:17pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 God Son the Christ Jesus you Why

I believe that Jesus is the son of god because it is written in the bible. He says it himself. If you believe in him and his teachings then you should believe in it all.

Post Date: 15th Jul, 2022 - 8:51am / Post ID: #

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
A Friend

God Son the Christ Jesus you Why

There is strong historical evidence for the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ and for the accuracy of the Bible. This validates His claim to be the Son of God and Savior of the world.

Post Date: 28th Feb, 2024 - 7:22pm / Post ID: #

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
A Friend

Why do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

Here's an argument I've heard from a fairly well known pastor (Tim Keller) who I thought had a pretty thought-provoking argument on the matter.

To put it shortly. Jesus talked about himself a lot. He said that he was the only way to come to God. Normally, religious figures talk about principles on what to do or certain ideas or they talk about what you can do to become better, but Jesus just straight up says you cannot come to God without Him.

If a person just went around in society talking like this, they would naturally be ridiculed or be seen as crazy. But something about the life of Jesus not only gave him so many followers while alive, but also created a situation where people would die to preserve his words, teach about Jesus, and proliferate knowledge about Jesus for centuries to come. There must have been something remarkable that happened with him, and it can't have been Jesus's political power or his riches, because Jesus, by all witness accounts, allowed himself to die. There had to have been something extraordinary about his life that created such a powerful response from the witnesses during that time.

The life and resurrection of Christ seems to fit the bill.

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