Hail and greetings my friends!
I am [..] Grayshadow. But around these parts I am known as "Grayshadow". I have traveled many, many leagues on my Role-playing Game journey and I am glad to find some solace here among ye kind folk. My quest started when I was a wee young lad playing AD&D with a close group of friends (Now life-long friends). Through the years, I've seen many changes to the Role-playing Game community, some for good and for ill. With my tumultuous life of late, it is difficult to gather a party of adventurers. So I am looking for some solo adventures. My profession is of a creative nature. I am a fantasy/Science Fiction Illustrator. [..] Farewell.
Since ye have made time to enter into this Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game make sure ye read the full Rules & Start of the Player's Manual. In this ye will see the depth, scope and maturity needed fer thy Character to stay alive.
Hi Grayshadow,, that is totally up to you. Whichever way makes you the most comfortable in presenting your character.