What is your strategy for confronting the animal Apes in Dungeons & Dragons?
More info on this animal in an AD&D setting: Source 8
Name: William the Paladin
Comments: Apes have enormous strength and agility that should't be over estimated. When they operate in packs their blows can be really destructive. Don't try to underestimate them.
That reminds me of the woman who lost her face from the chimp that went wild. Fighting tese guys means have full protection. Plate mail will definitely be a plus. To apes get scared easily? If you kill one will the rest get scared and run off?
I see they have a brutal attack and excellent climb ability. Combine that with the multiple apes to a group and you have a really nasty ambush scenario. Tactics to fight them I would say would be similar to fighting wolves that can climb trees and attack harder. Try to stay in a central group and watch each others backs. Focus on one ape at a time and attempt to dwindle their numbers quickly.