Reflections On Your Mother
In my dreams a woman came to me, and spoke to me of my destiny. In her words, she told me to keep memory of my mother. By what my sister told me, I expected to see my mother herself. However this was not the case. My memories are swimming with images of the past.
I remember mother to be a skinny yet intense peasant woman. We were all peasants in the home village. Yet, my mother was the kind who demanded respect with her eyes and her gait alone. A soft-spoken woman, whose hair was black as night before graying began taking it's effects. Among peasants, she had wisdom that could not be explained. Many peoples sought mother out for instruction in both life and philosophy. She was considered to have a vibrant and honorable soul. At least, that is what the wise men and gurus told me as a boy. I wished that I could see mother one last time. Memories of home are lonely without her. She would know exactly what to say at a time like this.
Message to Advisor
In the past months, I hath quickly come to grips with the harshness of beginning a Ruler's journey. Fear not for what I am about to tell thou has already passed. I hath scraped by beings in the afterlife by making dealings with my soul, and repented in the eyes of the War Gods for my losses. After falling twice in battle, I realized that I was in dire need of combat training to match anything greater than a commoner. And so I have trained my body adequately.
Taking a step away from street thugs who wished to ambush me in groups, I finally paid lady fluke a visit for the purpose of exploring her labyrinth. The place is completely dreadful, I must admit. There be countless adventurers who lost their lives while visiting that dungeon, no doubt. More attacks on my soul were waged, by entities who could not be seen with the naked eye. After losing my first challenge and part of my soul to those beings, I regained my resolve and overcame the labyrinth swiftly thereafter. Small beasts were a laughing matter to my swift and brutal strikes. However, there came some challenge when I was ambushed by an undead knight in the labyrinth. I never knew the undead could walk, or perhaps it is a spell cast on the accursed palace which causes this. Although I feared I would never escape my quest alive, I still feel compelled to return there and seek more rewards. Or perhaps I am feeling a draw to the statue of Lady Fluke's deity, which she had introduced to me.