My Next Medieval Adventure
While entering the tavern one night for dinner, Bernhart noticed an older man posting an advertisement for adventurers on the tavern bulletin. Bernhart inquired about the opportunity to the man. After a few words between them, he decided to take the opportunity.
Worship of Elohim
Bernhart bends down to pray by his bedside…
"My Lord, may I continue to live in your way and spirit. May my actions today be pleasing and to your service. May I be a blessing to all creatures that respect your law and keep your ordinances."
My Next Medieval Adventure
Bernhart asked the tavern keeper for a job when a old man called to him. The old man told Bernhart that he needed an adventurer to acquire a sum of money for him which he had in another town. The man mentioned to Bernhart that he had hidden the treasure underground and that he needed someone with both physical skills and the right knowledge to retrieve the treasure for him.