I, am Araminta. I was given this name because it means protection, and my father hoped that I would be safe throughout my life. I am at the age of 5.3 or 16 according to the years of man. I am known as the Sorcerer because of my aptitude towards the magical arts.
I was born a Half-elf because my mother was an elf and my father a human.
I stand 62 inches tall with a skinny body. I have black hair with big light blue eyes. My white skin and a dangerous appearance in general makes me unique.
I see myself as one who follows magic-users. I want to train my magical powers and become a powerful sorceress by learning from a wise mage.
I intend to train my powers and make a lot of friends in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Thus, I now start this path towards victory.
A Sentimental Value: Ring of Solace
Before leaving my childhood home, I looked around and spot something shiny in the corner of my eye. It was my mother's ring of solace. I admire the beautiful silver ring for a second before putting it on my right hand's ring finger. It will serve as a reminder of my mother, and she will keep me from giving up.
Advisor Description
Araminta first met Mira when she was on her way to the Town Library. Araminta was walking past the Town Hall, when she heard someone shout her name. Araminta turned around to see a woman walking towards her. The woman was a lot taller than Araminta, standing at around 68 inches to Ara's 62. She had straight, light blond hair that went down past her shoulders, dark green eyes, and tan skin. She was wearing a dark red dress that had stitched golden embroideries on the skirt. She gave off a regal aura, and Araminta got the feeling that she was someone who did not tolerate nonsense. "Is there something I can help you with, madam?" Araminta asked timidly. The woman smiled and said, "There is no need to be afraid of me, Araminta. My name is Mira. I have been following your progress for a while now, and I believe you have the potential to be great someday. I come to you as a advisor, to help you on your journey." With that, Mira turned and started to walk away from Araminta. "Come now, we have much to discuss!" Mira shouted over her shoulder. Araminta ran to catch up with her new advisor. Ara was in awe of the woman now that her initial fear had passed. She felt slightly uncomfortable knowing that someone had been watching her, but relived that it was a friend and not a foe. Araminta could see their relationship developing to the point to where they became friends, but those were thoughts for another time. Right now, she had to focus one the present, on the woman walking by her side. Ara smiled, this was going to be interesting.
Deity of Araminta
Adalie is a exceptionally tall woman, standing at 74 inches tall. She has dark brown skin, wavy black hair that reaches the floor, and golden-colored eyes. She wears a simple white floor-length dress, no jewelry, and prefers to go barefoot. She is willing to help anyone who has goodness in their heart, and make sure that no harm befalls her followers.