Turkey Jews
A general Thread about Jews in Turkey. What is the population percentage of Jews in Turkey? What is the influence of Turkey Jews on the country? Who are the most known Turkey Jews?
Inclusive: Turkey Judaism, Turkey Jewish Traditions, etc.
There was a time in the not too distant past when Turkey was one of the more tolerant Islamic countries when it came to accepting other religions. That is actually changing rather drastically under this President. They are becoming an Islamic state rather than a secular state and that has to have Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern day turkey, rolling in his grave.
As can be seen by the dramatic change in Jewish populations, and everywhere except for Israel., There is a policy that Seeks to have every Jew out of every Arab country. Over 1 million Jews were driven out of their homelands in the Arab countries, with all their businesses homes and most of their belongings stolen from them. In fact, a recent calculation shows that the Jews lost over five times as much land, in Arab countries, as is the size of Israel. That perspective is never trumpeted as much as the supposed ethnic cleansing or cultural genocide versus the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians.