How about a new Judaism related resolution for 2018? What are some of your Judaism goals for the coming year 2018?
Stepping out from the UN organization is a good start, as well as the USAs reduction of funding. Funding of dictatorships is rampant from oil-dependant nations, which is starting to slow, threatening their only means of income. Without funding sources, they will not be able to maintain their stances and media forces, easing out the bias and twisted news they promote. Direct tracing of the funding for terrorist groups and cutting off of same, such as provided by CAIR and the like. Recinding of paycheques to terrorists as provided by the PA to the tune of thousands per month. These payments use the poverty that the criminal dictatorships of Hana’s and the PA run, and turn their people into expendable weapons, paid for by the World aid they receive.
I didn’t see this question as being a personal goal, but a goal for Judaism as a whole. My own involvement will be on a smaller scale, but already having a local effect on various aspects of what I’ve stated, including financial aid to fight these conditions, obvious physical presence to protest the invalid hate, and technological aid as possible. Edited: Gknightbc on 30th Dec, 2017 - 4:36pm