Name: Howdy
Comments: Kyrroeth, I'm sorry for your loss. I understand how losing someone important to you can hurt.
Name: Howdy
Comments: Yeah, always remember the good and pass it along to your kids when the time comes. That is how we achieve immortality. There is a quote by someone or another that we only truly die when we are forgotten. So remember and pass those memories on.
I will be on a lovely fall camping trip in just a little while. Where I'm going this time there will be limited to no cell phone service. I will be unable to post for my games for at least the next day. After that we might move to a different location that has better cell service. I will miss being able to keep up with these games and my friends but it is nice to get away from modern life from time to time. Daishain and KN, feel free to NPC my characters while I'm away if needed. I think Lia was about to drop a bless spell if needed *wink*. Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Sep, 2018 - 9:55pm