Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
All adventurers need to be committed, we hope ye be not a slacker. Ensure ye follow our RPG Etiquette so ye remain in good relations with the local elders.
For thy knowledge all Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Games are kept here: [+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board. To learn the 1-2-3 steps for Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go straight to the Dungeons & Dragons Start Guide where a sage has posted steps to follow.
Don't worry young master, there is also another Thread for thy consideration: . Yet, if ye still be havin' questions do ask here, thy Introduction Thread, and someone will address thee.
Hi LorenzoT! There are people here willing to help you to play Dungeons & Dragons once you make the effort to learn. Which version of Dungeons & Dragons were you hoping to play?