Good day fellow travelers!
I'm an old school gamer with no current "Real life" table-top community. Although a long-time fan of fantasy and sci-fi, in multiple formats, I never really "Got" the whole video game craze. I gravitate rather to more cerebral text-based games that remind me of the good old roll playing days from my youth through college. (I've been playing Utopia, for example, for years; love it!) I found ROK II through the magic of google and it seems to be right up my alley. So, I think I'll give it a try and hope to be around for many an age. Finally, I am not a spammer.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings 2(ROK II)
Be ye a novice or one who can be trusted to endure? Ye have instinctively joined the best Text Role-playing Game ever! To begin thy adventure seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? where thou mayest play Dungeons & Dragons with other Players.
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.
Hi Brew, your reason for joining doesn't seem to match why you said you joined. Please edit your profile from "Substance Abuse" to something more appropriate.