I’m Always seeking knowledge and enlightenment. Excited to explore here. I’m a simple person, but have always had a thirst for knowledge. I’m just a mother, wife, farmer and craft-loving person. But above all of this I love my Heavenly Father and Savior and want to know more about them.
Thanks for posting your introduction message. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:
What have you joined? Basically, this International Community allows you to freely interact constructively (Regardless of whether your views are pro-Mormon or anti-Mormon) with many people on varying topics such as LDS Church news, Doctrine, the Book of Mormon, etc. However, do keep in mind that LDS Related Discussion is kept only in the Mormon Doctrine Studies Board <-- start giving your input here. Of course you may also visit and participate in other Boards in the Community as well: See All Boards.
For general Tips: Your First Time Here? Understand What's Expected and The Art Of Discussion.
Hi Milkhoney! Its been a long time since I've seen someone new to talk about Mormonism but do not let that keep you back. I'm sure as you reply others will too. Joseph gave you the links but if you have questions you can always ask here.