Good evening everyone! You all can call me Oni or Tweeters if you prefer, I will answer to either. I joined your wonderful community at the behest of someone looking to bolster the numbers of players in one of the Role-playing Game's that take place here.
My experience with Role-playing Games goes back all the way to my days in middle school, where I would participate in Dungeons & Dragons with my cousins and friends. Those long weekend nights and summer days spent creating some of the most wonderful stories and adventures are some of my most fond memories of my younger years. I switched school districts in high school, and not having a method of transportation had to find new ways to enjoy the past time I had grown to love. This is what drove me into forum RP's, or as I see people calling them now post by post Role-playing Games.
With forum Role-playing Game's, and the ease of creation of them thanks to sites like [Proboards], I was able to continue exploring an infinitely expanding amount of fantasy worlds. I even took up learning basic [HTML] and [BBC] to create my own forums for my friends and I to enjoy. While much of the information for coding never really stuck with me, I still enjoyed reading up on all the new codes I could get and put into my forums. From music players and shout boxes to gold earning algorithms and special boards that would only appear at random times during the week, for a random amount of time.
Of course as all things tend to do on a long enough time scale, this part of my Role-playing Game experience came to an end as well. Many of my friends online would just never log back on one day, and my offline friends that played would become busy with other commitments. Luckily for me, I had acquired a job and a mode of transportation by this point. I was able to rejoin my family and friends in playing table top Role-playing Game's, we even made up our own based on some of our favorite video games.
Fast forward a good handful of years and I am not Dungeon Mastering 2 DnD5e campaigns, playing in 2 others, enjoying time with my wife and daughter, exploring the world of forum rp once more and thus bringing much of my gaming experience over the past 15ish years full circle. This time around I intend to let my knowledge and experience help those around me have a more joyous tenure in the community. Hopefully one day they might pay it forward, perhaps to my own daughter.
Welcome to Ruler of Kings 2(ROK II)
Art thou a wizard? Ye have instinctively joined the best Text Role-playing Game ever! To begin thy adventure seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? where thou mayest play Dungeons & Dragons with other Players.
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.
Hi Onitenyu! That is an impressive introduction. With all your experience you should fit easily into this community. ROK Harker gave you the link to start with that but if you have questions about community features in general feel free to ask here.