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So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we be havin' many an exciting Play By Post Role-playing Game here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
[+] Sci-Fi Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Member Wars Role-playing Game
[+] Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game / Comic Reviews
[+] Text MMORPG / Ruler of Kings II
[+] Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game
[+] Matrix Trilogy - Plugged Role-playing Game
[+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game / Comic Reviews
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Cozyville Real Estate Role-playing Game
[+] Love & Life Bytes Drama Role-playing Game
[+] Trini Role-playing Game
You can also Review Role-playing Games: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews
Welcome to the site. You'll find we're all pretty friendly here and no one bites! Yes, [FP is] akin to money that allows you to buy possible advantages for character in Role-playing Games. Although, unlike [money] in many cases these advantages, in the way of gems, could be a boon or could be a disadvantage… although the majority of the time they have been boons in my experience.
Yes and no. It's an inducement to get the FP for sure. And everyone has the same access to get that money, posting a lot, getting likes, donating to the site to help with maintenance and updates, etc. So those that have can certainly use it to upgrade their characters, but everyone has the opportunity to get FPs. Also, there are a few people in our games who have to means to buy gems and don't. They prefer to remain pure. I am not one of those and I can tell you I have some pretty good perks and some pretty bad disadvantages… luck of the roll. Edited: Abnninja on 14th Jul, 2017 - 5:36pm
Hi Roleplay! You are finding your way around very well. I just wanted to clarify that FP is not money. FP stands for "Forum points". It is a point system the community uses to reward you certain things. You can learn more about it in this topic: Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points.