Warp Wood Spell
D&D Description of the Warp Wood Spell : You cause wood to bend and warp, permanently destroying its straightness, form, and strength. A warped door springs open (or becomes stuck, requiring a Strength check to open, at your option). A boat or ship springs a leak. Warped ranged weapons are useless. A warped melee weapon causes a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
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Ok this spell looks like it would be best used in a large melee situation as you could use it to render the ships to the depths or indeed the archers would be ineffective.
May be used to open doors that are so tightly locked they can not be undone.
Yeah used in conjunction with other offensive support spells it could render a unit of archers useless. I don't think I would memorize it though as a spell caster. It's one of those spells that might not have any use. Like if you end up fighting a carrion crawler.