What is your review for the role-playing game called, "BASH! RPG"?
Bash! Rpg (Hover)
Although I have not yet played it, I do have the rules and would like to run this at some point, though I'm not very familiar with supers games. I like that the new version removed the END (Endurance) spending, so players don't have to track that resource from turn to turn - you just use a power, such as flight, until you're not using it, without having to keep constantly maintaining and "taxing" (adjusting, adding and subtracting) it, as another gamer recently phrased it.
BASH has an interesting, fairly simple mechanic, and I might even say I'd like a little MORE structure in the rules than there are, but I think it is a nice change from things like HERO/CHAMPIONS, that are nothing BUT tons and tons of rules - far too many, in my opinion, to be playable with any amount of "wiggle room". Some dice and on-the-fly basic math and BASH lets players run their own super team, playing characters they created just like they want.
This reminds me of the super hero RPG I used to play here. Bash has actually been around for almost five years but I'm only now hearing about it. Probably it hasn't been as well accepted as the other super hero type games.