Which RPG Has The Best Character Customization?
Name: Bat
Comments: Everyone goes off on a particular RPG that appeals to them but I'm looking for the best RPG for character customization where you can be detailed as possible through a system generation which RPG would that be?
Depends if you're talking about using only core rules or add-on or supplemental rules. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay had quite a bit as part of the core, including names and heights and weights, birth signs, etc. But there were things produced for it that even went into number of siblings, birth rank, what happened to the parents - pretty in-depth. I believe there can be too much of that in the game, where the player can't really CREATE his character of his own accord, but is GENERATING it instead with dice, which to me, seems to snuff out the imagination part, though at some times and/or for some people, coming up with ways how each piece fits together is a grand exercise in creativity itself.