Greetings fellow writers!
I am joining this community to pursue my enjoyment of text based, interactive role playing.
Years ago I played in the Traveller Mailing List play-by-post game and really enjoyed it. I have had a difficult time finding another play-by-post game that fits well.
I saw mention of this community through a comment on the Tenkar's Tavern gaming blog and decided to give it a try.
I was a newsman for 12 years which really honed my writing skills, but I left that industry about 20 years ago. I will be retiring soon and if this works well for me, I look forward to further improvement/practice in my writing.
When it comes to Role-playing Games, I'm a big fan of 2nd ed.Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Traveller, Dungeon Crawl Classics and a handful of the so-called Old School Renaissance games.
In the graphical MMOs I have played, I have enjoyed stealth and exploration and hope to continue that tradition where applicable.
Thanks for letting me introduce myself. Although I don't known what the mechanism is, feel free to ask questions if you'd like!
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we be havin' many an exciting Play By Post Role-playing Game here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
[+] Sci-Fi Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Member Wars Role-playing Game
[+] Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game / Comic Reviews
[+] Text MMORPG / Ruler of Kings II
[+] Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game
[+] Matrix Trilogy - Plugged Role-playing Game
[+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game / Comic Reviews
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Cozyville Real Estate Role-playing Game
[+] Love & Life Bytes Drama Role-playing Game
[+] Trini Role-playing Game
You can also Review Role-playing Games: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews
Hi Lorddaleus! Nice to have you here and thank you for sharing your background with us. Please change your reason for being here to any of the "RPG" reasons via your profile that way you can stay in touch with Role-playing Game News. Is there a specific Role-playing Game you are interested in playing?
Welcome Lorddaelus to the website! I saw that you are interested in Ruler of Kings. It's a great game I play myself. You mentioned also about 2nd edition D & D and Traveller. There are active games for both of them. I'm not sure if they are taking characters but I would check into it. Good luck and see you around!