I am here primarily to find play-by-e-mail role-playing games. I prefer super-hero games, but I'm drawn to open-ended games of any genre that welcome plenty of player input. As time permits, I may join in conversations as well, but my primary reason for joining is gaming.
I've been playing role-playing games for nearly four decades, and have been involved in PBeM games since the 1990's. I also have plenty of experience as a writer and editor; the written form of PBeM games definitely enhances my enjoyment of them.
The professional and mature tone this place seeks to set is refreshing and stimulating, for certain, and I'm looking forward to finding a long-lasting, creatively stimulating game here - and maybe making a few friends as well. Cheers.
Greetings Role-Playing Gamer
I trust you are excited and ready to become a Role-playing Game player here. A lot of questions you may have can be found in our How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? Topic, if not, please ask within this Thread in the form of a Reply and someone will answer you.
Hi Dantalion! Nice to have you here. Just to clarify… we offer Play By Post, and Solo Role-playing Games here like Ruler of Kings, not play by Email. You do get notification of replies in the course of role-playing but you still have to come here to check and reply.
Unfortunately we don't currently have an active super hero game running.
There are three Dungeons & Dragons campaigns that I believe are taking players, one each for ADnD, 2nd edition, and 3.5 edition. If you check the Role-playing Game review board, recruitment for a Warhammer 40k game is in process.
There's also a minimal conflict Role-playing Game, the Gwynedd village game. A 5E Dungeons & Dragons and Traveler game are also ongoing, but currently full.
I may be missing something, but the other games appear to be inactive.
Don't forget the possibility of creating your own game. Several people, myself included, are willing to expand to another game if it shows promise.
Daishain is correct in what he said and it was good of him to mention that becaue I forgot to say that there are no current super hero Role-playing Games at the moment. Most players are attached to medieval fantasy and science fiction here.
Yes, play-by-post, clearly. Wow, my brain must've gone sideways there!
Thanks for the responses. I'll keep searching. I'm one of those oddballs who doesn't care for the various incarnations of the Dungeons & Dragons system, so even quality Dungeons & Dragons games don't hold much appeal for me. I would love to start a game, but I just don't have the time to properly execute & manage such an undertaking.