Greetings and salutations to all,
I call myself "SFG" and I'm interested in Science Fiction. I have other areas that I would like to explore but not limited to:
Post Apocalyptic
Modern Day
I hope to meet other like minded people and see what this board is all about.
Very Respectfully,
Welcome Science Fiction Role-play Gamer
We are glad that you have taken the time to register. To start playing is very simple:
All Scifi Role-playing Games are kept here: Science Fiction Play By Post Role-playing Games
Hi Sfg! Nice to have you here and thank you for sharing a bit about yourself. If you like you can also check out our science board for related topics: Science, UFO, Zoology, & Horticulture. If you ever have questions about how to use the site please do ask within your intro thread (Replying here) and someone will assist.
Also, just to note. When you give input into topics it must be your own words and not copied from other sites.