Greetings and salutations
I call myself Ricthof, I first started using this "Call Sign" back in 1989 in a now long gone online network call "TSN" (Later INN). In this early attempt at an online community we had limited choices of activities. The few choices we had included a Casino based on Leisure Suit Larry, a very primitive Role-playing Game (I forget the name), Tabletop / Card games and my personal favorite Red Baron, a 1 to 4 player air combat simulator, taking place during World War I. I have continued to use this name in my gaming since those good old days. I consider it a sort of 2nd name to my real name, in fact I have made many close friends using Ricthof and a good many of them have actually transcended into the real world.
I look forward to exploring this new experience,and the possibility of meeting new people is always welcome.
Welcome Future Ruler of Kings
Greetings young warrior. To begin thy quest seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy introduction.
Hi Ricthof! Nice to have an experienced player as part of the community. You should enjoy ROK II given your background. If you should ever have questions about a feature in the community please do ask here and someone will help.