Greetings All, I am a 51 year old roleplayer and I have been doing so since I was 12. I am an Aspie (Asperger's Syndrome) with ADHD thrown in to add spice to the mix. I champion the cause of all autistics both socially and academically. I love roleplaying because it really was the medium which allowed me to flourish albeit slowly and socially interact with people who for the most part do not judge and just wish to have fun making up stories as they play. Edited: MikeThompson on 20th Aug, 2016 - 9:21pm
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Hi MikeThompson! Nice to have you here. Thank you for sharing a bit about us. Are you here mostly for the Role-playing Games or to discuss autism? If autism you can see all related threads here: Autism. There is also ADHD Q&A - Attention Deficit - Special Needs section as well.
I have a son who is a aspie. HE is currently working on his doctorate. I think he is doing just fine.
We have a few Play by post games here that you can join in. Take a look at the games that are available to get a character started in. Jump in where you have a interest.