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Page 2 Introduction Ocdelguy
Since my last assessment I decided to monitor this a bit. I was planning to leave it be but there seems a need to rehash very old issues (Troll it).
QUOTE (Ocdelguy)
Now, as to Persephone.
I didn't mean to have her comment on this thread. I was merely explaining my absence.
Support commented on your Thread. Persephone is a Bot. Support took the time to explain what happened because you tried to make it look like its the fault of this Administration that you did not Post in a game and that is absolutely false. What you 'explained' has nothing to do with your absence. Instead of correcting your mistake you chose to Post nothing.
QUOTE (Ocdelguy)
Persephone [..] back...
I just saw your latest comment and removed it. You're a little fire cracker aren't you? Let me know if you can abide by the terms you agreed to:
Constructive Posting Policy or are you going to look for every little opportunity to try and belittle this site and its Administration? When you
attack Support or Persephone
you attack me because they are only doing what they are supposed to do. I do not want anyone here who isn't happy about being here.
I am waiting for your Reply today and a confirmation on if you can abide by the
Constructive Posting Policy which you agreed to.
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