I was guided here in order to participate in Traveller play-by-post games.
I am a long time Traveller fan, coming to the game in the early 'LBB' stage of the game and have been husbanding a growing collection ever since.
Other games I've played and loved over the years include Harn, RuneQuest, 2300 AD, L5R Role-playing Game , Space: 1889, and Twilight 2000. I'm not a particular fan of Dungeons & Dragons post 3.5 or so, and my preferred Dungeons & Dragons setting is Greyhawk. The Pathfinder rules set is fine as far as it goes, and while I love Paizo's production values, the Golarion setting leave me feeling somewhat 'meh'.
I'm a longtime military historian and American Civil War reenactor. I spent many years in the SCA and have been known to use some of the crafts, weapon skills, and historical information I learned there in my games.
Welcome Ta Ye Ole' Forum!
So, Ye be seeking Adventure eh? Ye be one after meh own heart. Meh mates have cut down several dragons in times past and we be always in serious need of an extra hand fer deeper darker dungeons of brilliant gold. Friend, get ready, cause we be havin' many an exciting Play By Post Role-playing Game here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Future Earth Play By Post Sci-Fi Role-playing Game
[+] Be A Super Hero Role-playing Game / Comic Reviews
[+] Matrix Trilogy - Plugged Role-playing Game
[+] Text MMORPG
[+] Cozyville Real Estate Role-playing Game
[+] Love & Life Bytes Drama Role-playing Game
[+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Trini Role-playing Game
[+] Mystery & Horror Role-playing Game
[+] D&D / Pathfinder Member Wars Role-playing Game
Hi Crhjr! You're just in time for a new Traveller Role-playing Game that is starting. Please look over this thread so you can give your thoughts on what the GM should start: Aericsteele's Traveller - Mongoose Campaign Review. If you have questions about the sites features please ask here.