WebChess 2.0.2
After trying many scripts I was going to use the first version of WebChess that is open code in order to reestablish Chess in our Community, but dreaded having to code in a rating system. Also, WebChess has not progressed in over two years. I was refereed to a version by "Benjamw" where he added in a rating system and more and named it: WebChess 2.0.2.
In the current version it is difficult to setup, although admittedly he does mention no install file was included. If I did not have PHP/MySQL knowledge I would not have been able to set it up, perhaps he will add that later. The inital layout is dark and the font very small but he does have options and I do plan to explore that later.
There are some things that need fixing that I had to comment out or configure to work around, for instance:
1. The script requires access to a PGN directory that is not included in the install. I created one manually.
2. When a new User joins there seems to be a script that sends a 'welcome' message to the user via a table that does not exist:
Webchess 2 (Hover)
Name: Benjam
Comments: It seems you found workaround solutions to all my missing instructions, which is good. The instructions were created and then things changed without updating the instructions, so you'll have to forgive me on those.
As for the admin stuff... if you'll note in the players table (both of them), there is a field for `is_admin`; set this field to '1' to mark this person as an admin. If they are marked as an admin in the `players` table then that setting takes precedence over the `wc_wc_players` table.
Once that field is marked on a player, then that will enable the 'Admin' tab in the main menu. Once there, you can perform basic game administration.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. I did not register on that site because no one has said anything about your version, indeed I might have even looked over it before and saw nothing about it and moved pass. You might find a greater audience and input from here actually, especially when we start implementing it in the site - there will be a whole Membership reporting bugs if any.
Name: Benjam
Comments: So, just to let you know, the version you downloaded from [..] is a newer version that is in a state of change that seems to have made it unusable as it is. There is an older, more stable version available [..] Give that version a try. It should be easier to work with.