The last two need to be deleted because they are with Dr Pats account and we never got it working. Thanks!
Premium Member
You no longer have to be a Premium Plus Member to participate in World Greed, but you still have to by Upgraded - Premium will do. Unfortunately, I still cannot just make this totally open yet as there is too much involved with support for Players and resources.
General Felipe
I've created an account for him with a truck load of FP to create games and participate so look out for him when he challenges you in games. I will be training him (that may or may not be a good thing) so he will hopefully know what to do. Don't go easy on him he is VERY competitive.
Error Correction
While playing World Greed we came upon an error where a character is inserted that messes up a game. I have tweaked the code so it hopefully will not happen again. If while playing you get an attack error message please let me know.