Hi there, I'm Michael Drude. No, that isn't my real name. Like many people on the "Net, I tend to use an alas to keep the trolls at bay.
I guess I could start with my basic demographic information, but sometimes it's nice to be known more for your words then your apparent socio-economic status. Or worst yet, your basic appearance.
I am a highly cynical person. I tend to respond much better to ordered arguments that have some logic attached to them then I do emotional ones. Sure, we all need to rant sometimes; but for many people this seems to be more of a frustrated emotional outburst then true anger. You shall know when I am angered. I won't flame. I won't curse. I will focus unrelentingly upon the subject of my anger and not waver until I feel the matter has be resolved. But don't worry, I tend to be a pretty easy going guy.
I don't follow "normal" political or religious leanings for someone who is known as an American. That is a fact I tend to be proud of. Most of the time, I am just as happy to let people think what they want; ignorance is bliss after all. But when someone ask my opinion or viewpoint on a matter, I tend to give it. Bluntly. One of the things that urks me most in life is someone ask what I think, just to turn around and tell me how "wrong" I am. Then why did you ask me in the first place? If I am incorrect, then prove to me by showing me. But when the thing being discussed is an abstract, any well-formed idea upon it could be right. If you wish to have an unwavering platform or dogma, then don't discuss it with me.
There are allot of personal experiences I have had throughout my life that I might be able to share with someone here that hopefully would give them some insight into something that they may be going through themselves. I can only hope to make such offers, it's up to each person to make use of advice and information given to them. Sometimes people take the advice they are given, and it all works out for the best. Sometimes the person has multiple (And conflicting) points of information and advice to pick from. You do the best you can with what you have, and hopefully make no mistakes that hurt anyone else unfairly. But, as anyone who has lived in the real world can tell you; life isn't always fair.
I leave you with the following thought:
"What is on the tongue is less important then what is in the heart."
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Role-Player
Greetings noble. We be looking' fer mature minded DEDICATED players, be ye the one that fits this description?
We hope yer not just passing through trying to cause a ruckus, so do make sure to read the following enchanted message: Constructive Posting Policy, in this way ye be knowing the wishes of the mages and scribes.
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post ye can start playing forthwith, just use the easy: D&D Start Guide
For Pathfinder check the [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game Board where all the Member managed Role-playing Games are located.
This is a good guide to understanding Role-playing Games here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
Other Medieval Related Role-Playing Games
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game
[+] Text MMORPG
Dungeons & Dragons is NOT the only genre here. For other Role-playing Game genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based Role-Playing Games
Hi Drude! Welcome to the community. That was an elaborate introduction and thanks for that but was your purpose for joining Dungeons & Dragons or just general discussion? Horde answered you because you put Dungeons & Dragons as your reason for joining in that field but sometimes its not the main or real reason someone joins. If you have questions you can always ask here and someone will point you in the right direction.