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Welcome to the forum.
I approved your character, and have posted your introduction in my in game thread. Please feel free to post there now and interact with the world and the players as you like. The story is driven by the players, the deeper and more often you are to interact with the world and role play with the players the more of the main plot and hits I will post.
With care,
Kitten. Edited: KittenPunk on 25th Jan, 2013 - 7:33am
Tsila I really wish I knew what happened to you in my game.
I liked having you as a "PC".
I am sorry I have not herd from you.
If and when you come back to the forums I would like to talk with you.
But, sadly your character in my game has been forfeited from lack of activity.
The monk Is now a NPC, and as of right now, no I have not decided what to do with it yet.
If for some resin the monk is still alive and you come back to the forum soon and talk to me I might consider handing him back over to you depending on what happened as you where active then gone with out a word. But, I don't know if I will be heaping him in game long or not. Edited: KittenPunk on 10th Mar, 2013 - 8:24am