Hello I hope and think this is my introduction. Originally I was brought to this site in promise of a Matrix RPG. But this is about me so.I am intellectual but highly immature I have horrid spelling and my philosophy is certainly able to offend some people. Usually I'm caught up on current events I have an opinion on almost everything and... A very short memory span sorry.OH, especially religion('s) and I'm very objective.
Hi Nazibanana! You will most definitely need to do something about your spelling before you post your messages. If you have not already done so I would read the full Constructive Posting Policy or your account can be deleted.
Are you the One?
Welcome, nice that you are ready to free your mind. All discussion about the Matrix can be had in our Matrix Trilogy Board. Ensure you read the Constructive Posting Policy if you didn't before you registered so you're not censored.