Oddly enough my interest fits the default trope, my main attraction is reading and participating in "Role-Playing Games (RPG) & Adventure" out of interest in things such as Palladium's Robotech/TMNT, Dungeons & Dragons, GURPs Hellboy, any any new systems I can learn.
Besides actively engaging in fantasy roleplaying I also enjoy passively watching live series on SciFi channels like Space, as well as various cartoons and anime shows. I own a vintage Witchblade DVD collection.
I drink a lot of coffee too.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post ye can start playing right away, just use our easy: D&D Start Guide
Remember we cater for mature DEDICATED players and not merely those passing through trying to cause a ruckus, so make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy.
For other RPG genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based role-playing games
If you get lost: See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Hi tyciol! We have content for each of the interests you mentioned. Horde gave you the necessary for Dungeons & Dragons and for the others you can find theme via the main index. If you are using the mobile skin you may want to switch to the full version if you are using a laptop or PC.
Hi I'm Kitten, your friendly gamer geek girl welcome to the forum, if you're interested please do check out my games setting, and if you wish to partake in the game I am still excepting players.
We have three Fighters, one Fighter/Sorcerer, and 1 Cleric. If you want to join, you might like to consider something other than a fighter, unless your heart be set on it.
The game focuses mostly on RP problem solving, riddles, puzzles, traps, with light combat. This game is taking place in a "Trial of the Gods" so reading over the custom Gods list in my setting might help you out a lot.
If you plan to join there's a character approval thread. Just post your drafted level 3 character or feel free to ask any questions there.
Have fun on the forums and be mindful of spelling and grammar punctuation and staying on thread topics, they take things serious here but it's all for the better.