Hi, everybody. This is my official introduction. I'm only doing this because I have to. I much prefer anonymity. My user name is Tragula. He was a character in a Doug Adams book with whom I identify. I am a life-long member of the Church. I served a mission to Chile 1968-1970, the best two years of my life. Anyone ever heard that before? It's true. They really were.
Welcome LDS Member
Thanks for posting your introduction message. Here is some helpful tips to get you started:
What have you joined? Basically, this INTERNATIONAL Forum allows you to freely interact constructively with many people on varying topics such as LDS Church news, Doctrine, the Book of Mormon, etc. However, do keep in mind that LDS Related Discussion is kept only in the LDS Deep Doctrine Board <-- start giving your input here. Of course you may also visit and participate in other Boards in the Community as well: See All Boards
Hi Tragula! Welcome to the site. What you can do is pay attention to any edits made to your posts by moderators as they act as a fair reminder and edits will let you know what you should pay closer attention to.
Your last post, Joseph Smith Photograph, was deleted for not being constructive, based on the following:
7. You are using your Posts as a means to promote commercial or personal sites of interest.
Please review our: Constructive Posting Policy.