Born into a somewhat spiritual family, I at some point accepted the teachings of a person called "Jesus christ" and took his words to heart and lived extremely. Then I learned about phsyics and philosophy and logic, and I guess I've been un-born again.
Now I'm just trying to get my fill of the meaning of life and the universe, and actually I've always had it and am just trying to live it out. I was watching the "Futurama" movie about Dungeons & Dragons and have never ever played, and a quick search for "Dungeons and dragons addiction" led me here. There's no better way, in my opinion, to learn something new as learning from someone who's addicted (because it means they know TOO much, maybe).
Anyway, I hope to have a good time here. So far, it seems like my kind of people.
PS I really like psychedelic music
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