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Hi barcenas! We have members here from Argentina, were you in a particular part of the country?
Yes I was in the south of Argentina. What is known as the Patagonian desert. I was in the Provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz, and Rio Negro. I can't wait to meet these Argentine members! (smile)
You know to tell you guys the truth I already joined this website before I left on my mission, however I didn't really post much and I guess since I've gone and come back my profile has been deleted. All well no harm done right!? (laugh) Edited: barcenas on 5th Sep, 2011 - 8:00pm
Thank you for telling us more. Do you remember your Username from before? Maybe I can track it down for you.
Holla LDS_Forever! Bariloche was actually the last area I was in. I was there for six months, and it is SO beautiful! I am with you on the torta galesa, it's alright, not my favorite. I plan on visiting Argentina in the near future. I want to get to know Bs. As. Cause I was there only when I arrived and when I left. My MTC companion however served in Buenos Aries. Maybe you know him, Elder Tyler Christensen? It's a long shot. (laugh)