Good evening, everyone. Merry belated Christmas!
A little about me... I'm a college student in California, I belong to a fraternity down here, I'm fairly new to role-playing, and I'm very easy to get along with.
I'm excited to meet you all, so hopefully I'll be talking to you soon!
Welcome D&D Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go to D&D Rules and read the steps.
Remember we cater for mature SERIOUS players so make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy
If you get lost: See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Welcome to the forums. I am sure that you will find this different than most other forums you have been to. These forums are well governed by the rules they set in place. Mind those rules and you will get along greatly with all of us.
In the Member war section you will find some Play by post role-playing games that use 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons rules. Join in any of them and enjoy some gaming. IF you wish to join the other role-playing games you need to have 30 posts and 75% participation. I hope to see you around.