Are you the One?
If you have come for our Matrix based RPG known as "Plugged" then you will see the various instructions in the Plugged RPG Board. Under this same Board is Matrix Discussion based on the Trilogy - where the reality is not all that it seems. There is a menu that shows which Threads are specifically for the Plugged RPG and which are for the Trilogy.
This should give you a head start before you go down the rabbit hole:
* About Plugged RPG
* Plugged FAQ
* Plugged Screenshots
* Plugged Player Tips (You should ask any questions about Plugged here)
Now, we cater for mature SERIOUS players so make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy
Welcome to the site! There is a section for a Matrix RPG, but there are a few others here as well. I hope you will get involved with some of the others here too. Either way, I know you will have fun here!
Also, if you have any questions, this is the place to ask.