How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
Reader, I have decided to start This Thread as another help resource just for you!
Not Sure What To Do? Ask A Question!
First, if you ever have a question, do ask in your Introduction Thread (The first Post you made when you joined), look in your Profile to find it, there is a button called "My Intro". Unlike, other places we do not flame Members because they ask a question. Asking questions is actually an intelligent thing to do! Please note we do have an enforced RPG Etiquette which basically encourages all Players to keep Role-playing Games on Role-Playing by not bringing up any personal interests, schedules or anything not related to the game itself. If you must talk about when you can play, that you will be on vacation, your Birthday, you are getting a divorce or your cat then please always use your Introduction as mentioned above.
Different Kinds of Role-playing Games
Second, you need to decide what kind of Role-playing Game you want to play. We have different types:
1. Text Based Role-playing Games: Where you can play at anytime (Solo) without the need of waiting for a Dungeon Master or other Players. Start here: Ruler of Kings II. See a list of all features: View Features
Update November 2018: Please note that we no longer service Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder games here as our focus will be on our in house custom systems like ROK II that concentrates on role-play rather a need to know special rules, have special dice rolls, or a Dungeon Master that is often inconsistent, etc. Dungeons & Dragons may be popular but the way it is run by some Dungeon Masters puts a stop to Players who may want to go in a certain direction with their Character / playing style. 2. Play by Post: You use the Threads like a tabletop in order to carry out games with other Players. Check below to see which Dungeon Masters are currently accepting new Players.
The Easily Bored
It is important to understand that International Discussions is really meant to attract the 'mature' thinker, someone that likes to take what they write seriously and not just throw a bunch of scribbles flippantly. With that said here are some FAQs that may help you:
Q. I created my Character and I think I am waiting long for the approval, why is that?
A. People in the [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game Board are volunteering their time, but they do have real life issues that keep them irregular sometimes, please be patient. If you need professional grade time keeping and faster responses then you need to try the custom Role-playing Games such as: [+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game and [+] Future Earth Play By Post Sci-Fi Role-playing Game that are managed by JB.
Q. OK, but are there other things I can try that are fun?
A. Yes! There is the Forum Arcade or even a Solo based Role-playing Game in a Medieval setting that you can play at anytime: Ruler of Kings Text MMORPG >>. Of course you can try actually participating in the Core Discussions: International Discussions by choosing a Board and responding to Topics that interest you. In turn your reputation, FP and Charm grows. If you want to understand more of those terms: [See Here]
Q. Can I join more than one Role-playing Game ?
A. Yes, it is encouraged ONLY if you are serious about your participation here. Being in many Role-playing Games allows you to always have something to do when you come here. If you join only one then you have to wait on when that one game is updated. Do note: if you know you have upcoming engagements like: exams, moving, a new job, working shift, a relative in the hospital, reunions, vacation trips, military service and so then do not join many role-playing games - you may not be able to keep up!
Q. Where can I see a list of all the Role-playing Games here?
A. All Member managed Role-playing Games are located in this Board: [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game . You can also try: RPG List and also: Role-Playing Games (RPG) & Adventure but this link only shows the current Boards not all the role-playing games.
Q. What Role-playing Game genres are available?
A. Any type you can think of: love, romance, citizenry, science fiction, fantasy and super hero, however for Member Wars the most popular is usually Dungeons & Dragons. Others are Role-playing Game Book sharing and individualized Threads about poetry, mystery and detective work. Outside the Member Wars Boards there are others.
The Inquisitive & Advanced Thinkers
Q. I am confused, is the World of Medieval also Dungeons & Dragons?
A. No it is not. It is a custom Role-playing Game that focuses more on RP and thinking than stats and book rules. However, WorldOfMedieval.com acts as an umbrella for all the Community run Role-playing Games that have a Medieval Fantasy theme: World of Medieval, Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Gwynedd, etc.
Q. Can I be a Dungeon Master and run my own Role-playing Game here?
A. Yes. Follow this: How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master.
Taking The Time To Format Your Post
Q. What are CPosts or Core Posts and how is that different from regular Posts?
A. A full explanation is here: Points, Core Posts, Posts & FP - Forum Points.
Q. I always see a mention of Posting properly or reading the Constructive Posting Policy, what is that about?
A. Before anyone joined this Community they were required to read What is a Good Message? and agree to that as part of their Membership. This is the policy of what is acceptable in Posts and what is not. When Members try to circumvent, ignore, or cause trouble of any kind this policy is used as the backbone reason to edit, move or even delete accounts.
Q. How do I get that "Out of Character" Text in bold?
A. You can get the required information here: Offtopic, Quotes & Other Tags.
Q. How do I know when to use an Off Topic tag vs just simply stating "Out of Character"? Aren't they the same?
A. No, they are very different: The "Out of Character:" Tag is meant for information that is STILL related to the game but not actually part of your Character's actions or words. The Offtopic Tag is for when your message is about your personal issues or something not related at all to the Role-playing Game you are in. In this case you should really be using your Intro Thread or the appropriate Thread for the subject matter so no one starts to focus on your off topic message.
A simple guide: If you find yourself writing about something NOT related to the game and it is about you, your schedule, your hobbies and so forth then it belongs in your Introduction Thread. The Welcome Board is where Members and Moderators track schedules and current happenings of others - DO NOT use Threads outside of your Introduction or Blog for that. If someone is interested in more about you then they can Subscribe / Track your Introduction. It is also wise for the Dungeon Master / GM to check the Welcome Board to see if their Players are updating their personal schedules or are being moderated.
>> Examples of why staying on Topic is important
Q. What about if I want to make a comment or ask a question about an aspect of the rules from a game system like Dungeons & Dragons but it really isn't about any current actions within the Role-playing Game I'm in?
A. Look to see if there isn't an existing Topic about it here: [+] Board, Card, & RPG Reviews otherwise start a new Thread about it in: [+] Board, Card, & RPG Reviews.
Example: You want to go deeper into Difference Between Bluff vs Intimidate & Gather Information vs Diplomacy then you will NOT use a current Role-playing Game Thread for that, you go to: [+] Board, Card, & RPG Reviews and start a new Thread. See the prior linked example. In the example you can see where the question was treated with detail and could be extended without having to be concerned with a current Role-playing Game because the question is a valid Topic of its own and would have been a distraction if it were in a specific game Thread.