Updated character final draft.
Thargum Zolnaea, is tall and slender, with dark shoulder length hair. He appears as an attractive, athletic looking male Elf. However, his true identity is a rare male Changeling, being a by product of both a female Hag, and male Elf.
Strength:10 (0) Dexterity:13 (1) CON:11(0) INT:12 (1) Wisdom:18 (4) Charisma:17 (3)
Grit points: 4/
Hit points 16/
Changeling racial trait: Hag magic. Either one prepared level 0, Witch spell, or 1st level spell per day.
If it is a level 0, can be used up to three times a day, if 1st level only once. Spells must be prepared, need 1 hour.
Hagsight: He has an innate insight when he is being watched. Can cast detect scrying, once per day at level 2.
Because his father was an Elf, Thargum has perception bonus: +2, also adds +1 to the increment range of a firearm.
Gunslinger abilities: Gunsmith Knows how to use a dragoon pistol (Single barrel) firearm. Capacity 3 bullets, misfire 1 for every 5 feet. Single shot Range 30 feet max.
Gunslinger dodge feat He can move 5 feet as an immediate action, and +2 bonus to his AC against a triggering attack. Edited: anronrosby on 11th Nov, 2018 - 12:52am
Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Rules And Chargen (Hover)
Okay, fair warning, at this point you don't have much time left. I had hoped to pick four players and get the game rolling shortly. And it looks like there's a lot yet to get done.
Have you made a character for Pathfinder before?
I have indeed played Pathfinder before, not on a play-by-post though. I get that you're wanting to start though, and being that you seem to have a number of applicants ready to go already I'll withdraw as I don't want to rush this character creation.
Respar is a human male who was trying to establish part of a network of a criminal organization in Talingarde. One of his contacts apparently betrayed him and he was convicted of High Treason.
He stands 5' 10", and about 150 pounds. Lean and wiry, he normally is clean-shaven but currently due to circumstances beyond his control is sporting a full beard and mustache. He has sandy-blonde hair and blue-green eyes.