Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread - Page 2 of 2

Kiven tries to hide it but shows a hint of - Page 2 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 14th Nov, 2018 - 5:31pm

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 4:21am / Post ID: #

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread - Page 2

After being shackled up, Eya looks around at the others in the cell with her. She looks to Kiven first and says, "Aloro, your brother seems like a real ass. I wouldn't mind adding him to my rapidly growing list of shitstains to kill. I'll help, but only if I get the ears after."

Eya then inspects her shackles and tests their strength a little. She scoffs, "They expect these to hold her?" She looks to Jesla, "You there, warrior of Gorum, God of Battle and Lord in Iron. Jesla, right? That's what they called you earlier. Listen Jesla, I can tell just by looking at these chains that they are far too weak to hold you. BUT, if you attempt to break free right now, you would alert the guards immediately from the noise." Eya nods in the direction of the guards down the hallway, then continues, "If you're serious about bathing in their blood, which, by the way, is a favorite pastime of mine, then bide your time for now and wait for the right moment. Side note, blood bathing is actually good for the skin. It keeps the aging down. It's a shame we can't flay them alive too though; we don't have the luxury of time." Eya sighs, seemingly disappointed.

"You all might be wondering why they went through the trouble of branding us if they're just planning to execute the majority of us tomorrow. Well, the branding iron the used had magical runes inscribed on it. You saw them too, right Aloro? Anyway, the scar created by that magical branding iron is permanent and no amount of healing can make it go away. Essentially, they didn't just brand our physical bodies, but our souls as well. You could cut off your arm, regrow it with magic, and the brand would be right back there again. Why do they do this you might ask? Perhaps it's to humiliate us, to brand us forever as the Other, the Forsaken. That's their terminology, not mine. But perhaps that's only part of the reason."

"So, why am I telling you all this? Because I think we can all break out of this place if we play our cards right and work together. I'm Eya by the way."

Out of Character: Probably obvious but Eya keeps her voice low enough so that the guards can't hear but loud enough for the others in the cell to hear.

Reconcile Edited: seath on 14th Nov, 2018 - 5:36am

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 2:44pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread
A Friend

Thread Main Wicked The Way Pathfinder Daishains

Jesla shifts restlessly trying to get more comfortable. Her forearm burns from the branding. Anger boils inside her at the predicament that she is in. She turns her head to look at the tiefling that speaks to her. Her eyes gleam slightly in the darkened cell." Eya is it… I am Jesla. You heard right. They are cowards just as I knew. Damn cowards. Wouldnt even fight me. Men." She almost spits out the word. "They will truly pay for this. In full."

Her chains rattle slightly as she shifts again." I will be patient. We will only have one chance to get out of here. When the time comes we must make the most of it. Let's kill as many as we can on the way out. I do not tolerate being treated like this. She glances at the two men in the cell." Hopefully they are good for something to help us escape. They don't look like much but who knows.... ."

Out of Character: . She will speak quietly as well.

Reconcile Edited: Kyrroeth on 14th Nov, 2018 - 2:46pm

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 5:10pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread
A Friend

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Respar tries not to make a sound when the brand burns into his tricep, but grunts and groans escape his lips. Even a curse word or two (If anyone speaks it, he curses in Celestial). But he does not issue threats.

Once the group is alone he turns away from the others and begins to whistle tunelessly for a few minutes. He seems to be ignoring the others in the cell. But he finally turns and looks at the fiery barbarian woman and the tiefling.

"Oh I assure I can be useful. But before I agree to help you with your pointless attempt to smash and kill your way out of here, leaving everyone behind in various states of dismemberment and death, let me offer you an alternative. It may not be as… satisfying to your bloodlust, but I think it might have a slightly better chance of achieving escape, which is my priority."

He lowers his voice and says, "Right now there are few enough guards out there we might be able to overpower them. But if we suddenly start tearing chains from walls and what have you, they'll call for reinforcements. However if we can just get one or two to come in, I can have us ready to totally take them by surprise, and possibly very quietly. You might prefer to put on a loud and violent show, but I prefer to work quietly."

He then raises his hands, freed from the manacles in his lap. "Now, what say you all?"

Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 5:31pm / Post ID: #

Daishain's Pathfinder: Way Of The Wicked Main Thread
A Friend

Page 2 Thread Main Wicked The Way Pathfinder Daishains

Kiven tries to hide it but shows a hint of fear as he is about to be branded. The elf puts his head down and looks away from the others as the brand is pressed to searing flesh but eventually he lets out one short, loud cry, gasping for air. As the task is finished and they release his other arm the proud ex-noble wipes his face clean of any evidence that he did not handle this well. He stands tall and tries not to wince has they drag him from the room.

Once in their cell, Kiven reacts little to Eya's mention of his brother being a real ass, but shoots her a very quick and serious look when she offers to assist in killing Tyris. Within a fraction of a second he is back to his previous demeanor and mutters "I will take care of HIM."

Regarding the brand, Kiven acknowledges Eya's words. "Yes, Forsaken we are. It matters not, and I will relish it. Today I am free of the shackles; the shackles of my family, of expectations, of law, of weakness. There is just one pair yet to shed." At that he looks at his elaborate chains and gauntlets. "I did my part, fiend, and you still owe me what you promised. You can start by contributing to my escape."

To Jesla's doubts that the men here can contribute at all, the self proclaimed Prince only reacts with a small smirk. Respar at least receives a nod to his suggestion of being a bit more tactical and cautious in their escape.

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