Everyone fires back at the trolls Aiming for the lead one. Rivoril and bastion are the only ones to hit Rivoril hitting for 5 and Bastion hitting for 11. It seems to not effect the troll at all.
They keep moving forward slowly as they shoot back One hitting bastion for 10 damage.
Avan and Bastion move to opposite sides of the entrance where they have almost full cover from the approaching Trolls. The teens move away back towards the village to stay out of the trolls range. The trolls keep moving forward and soon they will be within the traps area. Does anyone wish to do something else before or as they get to or in the trap area?
The trolls come closer and one walks into the trap area setting off the traps. Everyone focuses their fire on the troll in the trap area and only Rivoril hits the troll with an arrow as it moves forward. After it sets off the traps everyone fires again with only Arilynia hitting the Troll. The lead troll is missed by Avans flaming sphere and even the Jackals attack and trip attempt.
Sky I need you to roll some survival checks to see if you survive in the wild by yourself
Main game: Bastion, Avan and the Jackal move up to where the first Troll hunter has set off the traps and is working through the caltrops. The Troll is hit by fire and Bastion Combining to deal a lot of damage to it. The succeed in putting it down and killing it but barely. The archers all miss.
Avan moves the shere to the next target burning it some as Bastion jumps in with a savage strike for 53 damage. Rivoril and Arilynia both miss but the teen archers are able to strike T2 for a couple of hits. The troll attacks back Missing with his first attack on Bastion but hits with his second for 13 damage. It misses with its bite. T3 moves to the left some.
Out of Character: Sorry for the delay in this game I am still waiting for the two others to finish their characters to get them in the game here if they are still interested.