The jackal tries to find a weak point in the armor to bite through and latch onto to bring down the troll. Avan advances to 5' in front of the troll, while controlling the flaming sphere to hit it again.
Arilynia will continue to shoot the trolls with her longbow. She will focus on the one in the traps first then work on the others once it is down. If it goes down before her turn, she will focus her efforts on T3. I do believe can move a bit to get to that one.
Avan moves the Flaming Sphere to impact troll 2 and transforms himself into a Desmodu Hunting Bat. He uses his heightened senses to try to find any presence apart from the three trolls. His jackal steps forward and takes a bite, trying to trip the same troll.
Rivoril, continues his attack with his composite bow at the advancing Trolls.
When they come within range.
Bastion waits for the right moment, and then moves in, making a vicious slash across his opponents.
Out of Character: Steely Wind maneuver to attack two adjacent targets, Rolled a 32 (Critical) and an 18, for 53 and 27 damage respectively.
Rivoril, continues his attack with composite bow on the advancing Trolls. Aiming for the closest to his position.
Avan, as a big bat, attempts to bite and trip this troll in tandem with his wolf, and also controls his flaming sphere to strike it again.
Out of Character: Declaring dodge against troll 2 for a total of 24 AC against that one. Edited: iCon on 14th Nov, 2018 - 4:43am