I need to check sorry I will scroll up to find it now hope its not to far back. Edit I found it and thanks though food I got covers even if its a small amount due to having a wild wolf pup with me they can hunt small game (Mice and rats) so food can be found in a pinch not much but enough for hunger I forgot about the rations. Edited: redsopine on 29th Oct, 2018 - 1:05am
If you can't find it, or the next time you have a rules question, I suggest looking up one of the 3.5e SRD websites that are around. The answers to all such questions can be found there.
In the meantime, I suggest getting serious about finding your way back to civilization, keep making survival checks as often as Kntoran will let you get away with until you're on the right track.
KN, can Rivoril ascertain how successful the ceiling traps were, with the Trolls?
Did, they have an effect? I'm seeing a result from the arrows only.
Red, I think Sky can use (Roll) his knowledge of nature, and search. To help, speed up Sky's navigation.