KNtoran - yea, you could call it a hiccup. The mid-round post was meant just to let you guys know I was paying attention. Bruconero and I discussed this slightly, and I agreed it was a bad idea. I have your character's action for round 3. Sorry for any confusion, I'm still getting used to the Play By Post system.
JB and Play, I haven't been worried about it because one of my players (Arathriel) is having major internet issues. I do want my players to fill in their fields, but it felt unfair to ask knowing one of my players would have a hard time. I just felt like I should explain why I hadn't said anything about it. Edited: Oinodaemon on 4th Apr, 2013 - 5:25am
If they are having problems with loading time or using proxy internet with the Full Skin (which they are using now) they can switch to the Mobile Skin since the fields are available there now as per my announcement: Here.
Oinodaemon, how is your game going?
I notice some of your Players do not use the Character Avatar or fill in their Character stats despite prompts in the system to do so?
I also saw your game Update was 3 days after the last Player's entry. Are you having trouble keeping up?
Sorry for not responding for so long, JB, I was having internet connection issues. I've been working two jobs, also, one full time and one part time, which has been hard to balance. I've worked out that balance, though, so I'll be more regular again.
Don't whither away with all that work. I can understand real life commitments but what about the other part of what I asked: