Hello To this new community
I am a middle aged man who in my childhood loved to play Dungeon and Dragons with my pals. I became a Dungeon Master before me and my friends parted ways into adulthood and the responsibilities that come with it. I took to writing fables and short stories and even was published once in a small local magazine that catered to writers. I have missed the world of RPGs and would like to reunite myself with my once favorite past time. It has been 20 years since I have played so I am rusty to say the least. I am willing to learn.
Thank you for your Time
Welcome D&D Role-Player
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You do not need to read the whole book but skimming through it and learning about it can help. Like stated above you can join in any time as you know the basics. Having the players handbook is a great reference guide to assist you as you get more involved and learn more about the game.