Hi everyone! Glad to find myself on these boards. I'm a young man a little past my quarter-life crisis, and have found myself unable to leave my wish to participate in RPG games behind me. Although my time is now taken up a lot by law school, I still find myself wanting to participate.
That is when I came across Play-by-Post games.
I did not know these existed! Granted, I have not played with my live group of friends for years now, but I would have liked to think that if we had started a post game then we would be continuing today. I usually like to play rogues or thieves - anything that stays within the shadows, really.. however there is a lot to be said about charging into battle! Not much experience with mages, but willing to experiment with clerics.
I would like to participate in one of these types of games. I would have to relearn how to play, so hopefully I won't be passed over for being a newbie. However, I have the drive, and would love to make a new group of friends through a great game! I like the idea of a posting game because it works more on my schedule, and I can be an undercover gamer any time of the day!
Anyway, that is my intro. Hope to get to know some of you in a game soon!
Welcome D&D Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go to D&D Rules and read the steps.
Make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy
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